ATTENTION Before installation you need to remove all previous versions of the models, cab and sounds. Original folder Assets/Hekl/Addon/RailVehicles must be empty. The new version changed the directory structure on the Assets/Hekl/RailVehicles. All scenarios (QuickDrive, standard and freeroam) created with the old version will be broken after installing a new version! Multistate switches: reflector H > Shift+H < position light front left J > Shift+J < position light front right K > Shift+K < position light rear left N > Shift+N < position light rear right M > Shift+M < pantographs P > Shift+P < engine ON Ctrl+Z > Z < cab lighting O > Shift+O < instrument lighting L > Shift+L < fan control E > Shift+E < Twostate switches ON/OFF or buttons: vigilance Q wipers V sanding X whistle B horn spacebar engine OFF backspace activating control panel I 2nd cab Ctrl+= Levers: dynamic brake increase . dynamic brake decrease , train brake increase '(§) train brake decrease ;(ů) locomotive brake increase ]()) locomotive brake decrease [(ú) power up A power down D direction forward W direction backward S Automatic Train Protection System MIREL: Button ENTER Numpad Enter Button plus Numpad + Button minus Numpad - Base 3D model: Kulica Bogies 3D model from x6x: Pawlik hook of screw coupling: Kank Wipers, cab controls and animations: Roman Šubrt Script: Michal Tuček Bogie modification to x5x, optimization, model assembly, texture mapping, shaders, LODs, 3D cab model : Hekl338 Sound: Roman and Kadr. Model has 6 LODs, LOD 4, 5 and 6 contains no animations. Model was built with active cooperations, originally was created for MSTS. I would like to thank to Roman, who got model on the RW (creating blueprint). Also for his patience with creating animations and cab controls. I would like to thank to Michal, who made all scripts. Model is still in beta version. This is a first Czech-Slovak model with 3D cab, therefore we welcome your ideas and feedback to control. A few details about driving: First of all you need to activate the control panel, then turn on the engine and raise pantograph. Model has a variety of built-in protections, such as overcurrent at 1.2kA When some of this protection occurs, this will turn off the engine and pantograph goes down. In this situation it is necessary set power down to zero and turn on the engine again. If there was pantograph raised before, it will automatically raise. MIREL settings: After activating the control panel you need to setup driving mode. Default, which is set up automatically, is shunting with a maximum speed of 40km/h. The menu is accessed by pressing the "+" button. Then select "REZ" - mode selection (ENTER to confirm) . The available modes: POS (shunting, max 40 km/h), VYL (driving without transmitting signals, max 120 km/h), PRE (driving with transmitting signals, max 160 km/h, but at the moment only 120 km/h because the cz-sk signal script does not support transmission of signals) and ZAV (not leading engine, without any restrictions, max 160km/h). Selecting the maximum speed of train - search "MAX" in the menu by pressing "+" button twice and confirm by ENTER. Then select the speed by pressing "+" and "-" and confirm by ENTER again. Emergency stop (NZ1 - vigilance or NZ2 - crossing the maximum speed) is canceled by pressing ENTER after the train stops. Do not forget to pressing the vigilance button? If you look from external camera and you will hear whistle from engine, it means, you forgot to press vigilance button. Detailed description of MIREL Some info about driving real engine (in czech) Finally, I would like to remember, that this cab is for engine series 350, so not all functions are identical as for series 15x. Have a nice driving?