Configuration file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Source\CJ\Scenery\IGS_ExpModFile.txt ------ Materials:ShaderName ------ ('shadow', 'StencilShadow.fx') ('trdiff', 'TrainBasicObjectDiffuse.fx') ('trglass', 'TrainGlass.fx') ('trspec', 'TrainBasicObjectSpecular.fx') ('trspecem', 'TrainSpecEnvMask.fx') ('trbumpspec', 'TrainBumpSpec.fx') ('trbumpspecem', 'TrainBumpSpecEnvMask.fx') ('trglassweather', 'TrainGlassWeatherEffects.fx') ('trlightmap', 'TrainLightMapWithDiffuse.fx') ('trenv', 'TrainEnv.fx') ('trflora', 'TrainFlora.fx') ('trvfaceflora', 'TrainViewFacingFlora.fx') ('trupvfaceflora', 'TrainUprightViewFacingFlora.fx') ('lofttexdiff', 'LoftTexDiff.fx') ('lofttexdifftr', 'LoftTexDiffTrans.fx') ('skin', 'SkinDiffuse.fx') ('water', 'WaterCubeMap.fx') ('waterscenery', 'WaterScenery.fx') ('sky', 'TrainSkyDome.fx') >>>> INFO: File C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Source\CJ\Scenery\Bahhof_Straubing_IGSExpModFile2.txt not found <<<< >>>> INFO: Using file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Source\CJ\Scenery\IGSExpModFile2.txt <<<< Configuration file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Source\CJ\Scenery\IGSExpModFile2.txt ------ Materials:AlphaTestMode ------ ('trans01mat', '1') ------ Materials:Ambient ------ ('ext01mat', '0.5') ('ext02mat', '0.5') ('glass01mat', '0.5') ------ Miscellaneous ------ ('targettexturesdirectory', 'Textures') ('mainobject', '1_1000_coach') ('hierarchy', 'unchanged') ('customkeywords', 'Bod, Seat, 1_0100_rod2') ('centermainobject', '0,0,N') ------ UVArguments ------ ('ext01mat', '32.0, 0.0,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0') ('glass01mat', '64.0, 0.8, 0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0') MainObject to find = 1_1000_coach MainObject 1_1000_coach not found or not visible Main object selected = Cam_0 WARNING: Object 'Cam_0' processed as '1_1000_Cam_0' (to comply with LOD naming rule). The converted name is used for LOD processing and may be used if the object is head of group. WARNING: Object 'Sun' processed as '1_1000_Sun' (to comply with LOD naming rule). The converted name is used for LOD processing and may be used if the object is head of group. WARNING: Object '0 011' processed as '1_1000_0 011' (to comply with LOD naming rule). The converted name is used for LOD processing and may be used if the object is head of group. WARNING: Object '1 011' processed as '1_1000_1 011' (to comply with LOD naming rule). The converted name is used for LOD processing and may be used if the object is head of group. WARNING: Object '2 011' processed as '1_1000_2 011' (to comply with LOD naming rule). The converted name is used for LOD processing and may be used if the object is head of group. ------------------ Groups list ----------------- --- 5 groups --- --- Group --- 1_1000_Cam_0 (1 item) LOD level 1 / LOD distance 1000 / keyword None Parent group: None Group objects: Cam_0 --- Group --- 1_1000_Sun (1 item) LOD level 1 / LOD distance 1000 / keyword None Parent group: None Group objects: Sun --- Group --- 1_1000_0 011 (1 item) LOD level 1 / LOD distance 1000 / keyword None Parent group: None Group objects: 0 011 Group children: 1_1000_1 011 1_1000_2 011 --- Group --- 1_1000_1 011 (1 item) LOD level 1 / LOD distance 1000 / keyword None Parent group: 1_1000_0 011 Group objects: 1 011 --- Group --- 1_1000_2 011 (1 item) LOD level 1 / LOD distance 1000 / keyword None Parent group: 1_1000_0 011 Group objects: 2 011 ERROR: Blender Mesh object 'Cam_0' has no collection of UV maps for tessellated faces (check material assignement).