A scenario for Bahnstrecke Karlsruhe Strasbourg route Addon Duration : 60 minutes Difficulty : *** (Medium) Scenario Type : Standard Player Train : BR 193 - Tanktainer wagons Description : Today you take a tanktainer with a vectron 193324 locomotive from Kehl to Karlsruhe be aware of signals due to passengers taking priority over you Scenario Requirements : 1. DTG Strasbourg Karlsruhe Route Addon : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1637257/Train_Simulator_Bahnstrecke_Strasbourg__Karlsruhe_Route_AddOn/ 2. RSSLO Vectron AC/DC Loco Addon : https://www.rsslo.com/product/vectron-br-193-ac-ac-dc/#1594098363573-bff708b3-24bf6b98-c546 3. Vectron MS DB repaint : https://rail-sim.de/forum/filebase/entry/3193-vectron-db-ms-193-300-304/ Installation: Theres a .rwp inside the .zip folder i recommend .7zip(Freeware) program Extract the .zip and install .rwp using the utilites located here: C:Steam/steamapps/common/RailWorks Thanks to DTG Strasbourg Karlsruhe Route Addon Thanks to RSSLO for their Vectron Loco Addon Thanks to falubazadam97 for the Repaint of Vectron into DB colors Regards, Kilpman