Deutsch --------- Installation: Damit das Szenario funktioniert, verschiebe/kopiere die extrahierte .sav Datei in den Ordner Documents > MyGames > TrainSimWorld2 > Saved > SaveGames und ersetze im Dateinamen meinen Usernamen durch deinen. Bsp: TSWSaveGame_Tom Fresco.sav > TSWSaveGame_Steamusername.sav Wenn alles funktioniert hat, sollte beim Laden des gespeicherten Spielstandes auf Ruhr Sieg Nord das Szenario starten. installation: Paste the extracted file (should be TSWSaveGames_Lieferung zum Kraftwerk.sav) to Documents > MyGames > TrainSimWorld2 > Saved > SaveGames. Now delete your old SaveGame and name the new like the deleted file. (TSWSaveGame_Lieferung zum Kraftwerk.sav > TSWSaveGame_Steamusername.sav) If you now try to resume a saved game, it should work. You can pass the red Signals in and before Werdohl with PZB Befehl. Just press it when you're passing the Signal but keep under 25 km/h while doing so. To deliver the Wagons to the Power plant, you have to reverse in the sidings from the mainline, as its done in reality. Here is a Youtube Video from this service in reality, if you're unsure what to do in Werdohl. the service in the game does exactely the same.