Install: Move this file to the "[Steam location]\steamapps\common\Train Sim World 2\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC" folder or use the TSW 2 Mod Manager ( to install the mod. Uninstall: Remove this file from the "[Steam location]\steamapps\common\Train Sim World 2\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC" folder or use the TSW 2 Mod Manager ( to install the mod. IMPORTANT NOTICE. This is user generated content designed for use with Dovetail Games Software. Dovetail Games does not approve or endorse this user generated content and does not accept any liability or responsibility regarding it. This user generated content has not been screened or tested by Dovetail Games. Accordingly, it may adversely affect your use of Dovetail Games’ products. If you install this user generated content and it infringes the rules regarding user-generated content, Dovetail Games may choose to discontinue any support for that product which they may otherwise have provided. The Train Sim World EULA sets out in detail how user generated content may be used, which you can review further here: In particular, this user generated content includes work which remains the intellectual property of Dovetail Games and which may not be rented, leased, sub-licensed, modified, adapted, copied, reproduced or redistributed without the permission of Dovetail Games.