------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- German semaphore signals V9.8 - On the basis of "European Loco & Asset Pack" -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The signals contained in the package are based on original Rail Simulator signals. Therefore, all signals after the installation available, and not have to be enabled in the Editor. All signals have been revised. The animations were recreated. The scripts have been adapted to Railworks2013 or rebuilt. To understand the main semaphore signals I must tell you at first, that the lower arm isn't signaling a diverging route like UK-semaphore. Germans semaphore in all cases the lower arm signaling in combination with the upper arm that the train has to reduced the speed. The distant signals do not change the signal sign at the Link0 run over, but only with the sign change of the main signal. It can stand up any of two distant signals before a main signal used from this package at the same time. The distant signal repeater is therefore possible. Distant signals of the "Deutsche Reichsbahn" show only one yellow light at Vr0. The additional arm has a different color scheme, which is based on the wing of the main signal. The package include was the HL-distant signal (DEs Sem_Dist VR2 HL) of the "Deutsche Reichsbahn" supplied with a modified script because the common script is not compatible with the german main semaphore signals, because its adapted to the HL-signal system. The HL-distant signal was, however, often jointly with the Deutsche Reichsbahn used to the main semaphore signals. For the main semaphore signal (Main1, Main2) there is a new variable called "gOptionEOTHp0" in the script. This controls whether the signal if passing link 0 fall back to show stop aspect Hp0. In my scripts, this option is always set to true, which means that the main signal show stop aspect only after the rear of the train passed the Link0 completly. This should bring some more realism to the track. The shunt signals (SH..Shunt) now automatic switch to clear aspect if a train near the signal and the route is also clear. All file names should be maintained as provided in the package so that in case of an update the signale they are further working. All signals if extendet on the number of tracks tracks must stored as an additional signal. Updateinfo: Version 9.8 ------------ - Integration of all Patche since version 9.5 - Premature CLEAR of the interlocking limits with Hp0 trigger (F) for train overhaul if the move in advance does not free the interlocking limits in good time - Zs3 Trigger can now also use the distant signal speed - Group blocking signals guide the distant signal status from the following main signal Version 9.5: - Adjustments to the further development of the other signal systems from Schuster - Some bug fixes Version 9.1: - Bugfix only Version 9.0: - Further development together with the other signal systems from SignalTeam - Speed display and distant speed display show numbers up to 14 - Some bug fixes and the last patches have been included Version 7.3: - make this signals compatible with new KS signals from SignalTeam - Some bug fixes and improvements Version 6.2: - Trapez Board and Stopping Marker Board with blue signal light (state indicator) - Main signals without a post - Main-, Distant- and Shunt- signals to addon with main signals without a post Version 5.1: - Main signals switch from Hp1 or Hp2 every time over Hp0 to Hp2 or Hp1 - Distant signals switch from Vr1 or Vr2 every time over Vr0 to Vr2 or Vr1 Version 5: - Zs3 / Zs3v plate separately to mount on a distant or main signal - new Opt-Trigger to set options who are also set in option file different in a route or scenario for all signals or a single signalsystem or a single signal - new Zs8-Trigger - all main signals remains at Hp0 after passing in opposite direction. Either you switch a junction. Or set a Hp0-Trigger with "R" in the ID-Field before this signal Version 4.1a: - missing texture "gr_sem_home1.TgPcDx" included Version 4.1: - manualy and random signal bugs - Zs1 only as extension signal available - Zs8 can be shown at a Zs1 signal - Zs1 for Deutsche Reichsbahn as a extension signal - Small errors removed Version 4.0: - There are no combination signals anymore in the editor list. - All previously set combination signals are working furthermore. - New distant signals with a high post - A set of waiting boards (Ra11) - Many extension signals in editor list marked with a "+" to set them directly behind the main signal in substitute with the old combination signals - for a yard entry check the field "limited aspect" ! (It's not a joke) = Every link can be a yard entry. :) Version 3.0: - faster animations for main signals as an option to swich by batchfile (Animation_fast.bat / Animation_slow.bat under... "Assets\Kuju\RailSimulator\RailNetwork\signals\German Sem") - direction indicator Zs2 (DEs Sem Zs2) special for german semaphore - last prepared main signal in forward direction shows "expect stop" (Vr0) if it has a distant head - several script changes to prepare for our new DEs-PZB-package. - central configuration file "Sem__Option.lua" for behavior of signals - various options to delay Hp0 in case of passing link 0 forward - if consist is finishing passing link 0 backwards delay signalstate - switch Sh1 / Zs1 per TAB-Key or automatic if consist is near - set the distance between consist and Sh1 / Zs1 if switch automatic These options are documented in the file "Sem__Option.lua" and in the german documentation My thanks go to the Rail Sim-user "4711", for the work of the 3D models. I also thank "StS", also from the German forum for the implementation the extensive testing and the creation of the scenarios of the test track. All changes to the scripts I've ("Schuster") done. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- licence agreement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The package is available as freeware on: www.Rail-Sim.de , www..dksimulators.dk, www.railworks.dk and not on other platforms without my permission. The signals may be used only at freeware routes. The signals may not be distributed as a part of routes with their installation but install it separate from the original package. Use on Payware routes is not allowed and requires prior licensing by me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry but a extensive doku only exists in german, but there are a lot of pictures which explain a lot. You can find the file "Deutsche Formsignale_V40.pdf" within the package. E-mail-adress in case of problems/suggestions: railworks@mgundlach.de Have fun with the Germans semaphore wishes Mathias Gundlach /Schuster at Rail-Sim ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following signals are included in the package: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distant signals (Dist) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) DEs Sem Dist1 DR Distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem Dist1 DR G Distant signal with a high post shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem Dist2 DR Distant signal with additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem Dist2 DR G Distant signal with a high post and additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem Dist2 HL Light-distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) DEs Sem Dist1 DB Distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem Dist1 DB G Distant signal with a high post shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem Dist2 DB Distant signal with additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem Dist2 DB G Distant signal with a high post and additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 Here are new versions of Distant signals repeater for special use between main and distant signal. DEs Sem Dist1 DR Repeater DEs Sem Dist1 DR G Repeater DEs Sem Dist2 DR Repeater DEs Sem Dist2 DR G Repeater DEs Sem Dist1 DB Repeater DEs Sem Dist1 DB G Repeater DEs Sem Dist2 DB Repeater DEs Sem Dist2 DB G Repeater ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main signals (Main) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main signal 1-arm shows Hp0 / Hp1 / Zs1 DEs Sem Main1 0T DEs Sem Main1 1T DEs Sem Main1 2T DEs Sem Main1 3T DEs Sem Main1 4T DEs Sem Main1 5T DEs Sem Main1 6T DEs Sem Main1 7T DEs Sem Main1 8T Main signal 2-arm shows Hp0 / Hp2 / Zs1 DEs Sem Main2 1T Main signal 2-arm shows Hp0 / Hp1 / Hp2 / Zs1 Link 1 = Hp1 Link 2 .. Link 18 = Hp2 DEs Sem Main2 2T DEs Sem Main2 3T DEs Sem Main2 4T DEs Sem Main2 5T DEs Sem Main2 6T DEs Sem Main2 7T DEs Sem Main2 8T DEs Sem Main2 9T DEs Sem Main2 10T DEs Sem Main2 11T DEs Sem Main2 12T DEs Sem Main2 13T DEs Sem Main2 14T DEs Sem Main2 15T DEs Sem Main2 16T DEs Sem Main2 17T DEs Sem Main2 18T ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main signal without a head and a post always in HpX-Mode ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEs Sem HP_Dummy HpX 1T DEs Sem HP_Dummy HpX 2T DEs Sem HP_Dummy HpX 3T DEs Sem HP_Dummy HpX 4T These signals are used if you have some linking problems. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main extension signals (+) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Distant signals Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR) DEs Sem +Dist1 DR Distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem +Dist1 DR G Distant signal with a high post shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem +Dist2 DR Distant signal with additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem +Dist2 DR G Distant signal with a high post and additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem +Dist2 HL Light-distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 Deutsche Bundesbahn (DB) DEs Sem +Dist1 DB Distant signal shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem +Dist1 DB G Distant signal with a high post shows Vr0 / Vr1/2 DEs Sem +Dist2 DB Distant signal with additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 DEs Sem +Dist2 DB G Distant signal with a high post and additional arm shows Vr0 / Vr1 / Vr2 2. Shunting signals DEs Sem +Shunt Ground Shunt signal at ground shows Gsp0 / Gsp1 DEs Sem +Shunt Post Shunt signal at post shows Gsp0 / Gsp1 DEs Sem +Ra11a Post Waiting Board with a post shows Ra11a / Sh1 DEs Sem +Ra11a no Post Waiting Board to mount on a main signal post shows Ra11a / Sh1 DEs Sem +Ra12 Shunt signal to mount on a main signal post shows Ra12 (DR) 3. Substitution signals DEs Sem +Zs1 Substitution signal show Zs1 and Zs8 DEs Sem +Zs1 DR Substitution signal Zs1 for Deutsche Reichsbahn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Route indicator signal (Zs2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEs Sem Zs2 special version for semaphore signals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shuntsignal (Shunt) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shunt signal at ground shows Gsp0 / Gsp1 DEs Sem_Shunt Ground 1T DEs Sem Shunt Ground 2T DEs Sem Shunt Ground 3T DEs Sem Shunt Ground 4T Shunt signal at post shows Gsp0 / Gsp1 DEs Sem_Shunt Post 1T DEs Sem Shunt Post 2T DEs Sem Shunt Post 3T DEs Sem Shunt Post 4T Waiting Board shows Ra11a / Sh1 DEs Sem Ra11a 0T DEs Sem Ra11a 1T DEs Sem Ra11a 2T DEs Sem Ra11a 3T DEs Sem Ra11a 4T Other shunt signals: DEs Ra10 Limit of shunting movements board: no shunting movements beyond this signal DEs Ra11a sign Stop for shunting movements DEs Ra11b sign Stop for shunting movements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protection dependent signal (Sh) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEs Sem Sh2 This signal can use as a substitute for the EndOfTrack-Signal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triggers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- There some helpful pictures in the german manual. All triggers will be set only in scenarios! DEs Sem_Opt-Trigger Route DEs Sem_Opt-Trigger Scenario DEs Sem_Opt-Trigger Single - new Opt-Trigger to set options who are also set in option file different in a route or scenario for all signals or a signalsystem or a single signal To use these triggers, you have to take a look at the german manual, please. ;) DEs Sem_Hp0-Trigger - this trigger set a main signal to Hp0 although the route is clar to stop the train for ever or a few seconds - set this trigger directly after link 0 from main signal before all link 1+ - in the left Id-Field from signal-flyout possible write a number like: "0" for all trains who blocked with Hp0 aspect "1" for the first train who blocked with Hp0 aspect "2,3" for the second and third train who blocked with Hp0 aspect - in the rigth Id-field from signal-flyout possible write a value of seconds like "40" after the Hp0 aspect is switched to Hp1 or Hp2 if possible - example: "2" "20" -> stop the second train for 20 seconds (the time begins to run when the train stops) - special new application: - manually main or distant signal bug possible (ID-field: "H0000" or "H0010V0011") check it out! - switch yard entries on or off (ID-field: "A2" or "A2,3" or "A-8") - switch follow main signal on or off (ID-field: "G0" or "G1" or "G1,2") - after passing a main signal backwards set this trigger with ID-field: "R" to make this signal clear if possible DEs Sem_Hp0-Trigger 1T Scenario - switch anim state with link 1, perhaps from a AI-Train DEs Sem_Hp0-Trigger X - set this trigger before link 0 to make a main signal void (white cross) DEs Sem_HpX-Trigger Route - this trigger deactivate a main signal and set a cross on the upper arm - set this trigger prior the main signal in drive direction DEs Sem_Sh1-Trigger Scenario - this trigger switch the Sh1 aspect on main signals - set this trigger after link 0 from main signal and also after junctions but before every link 1+ - in the left Id-Field from signal-flyout possible write a number like: "0" for all trains who passed signal with Sh1 aspect "1" for the first train who passed signal with Sh1 aspect "2,3" for the second and third train who passed signal with Sh1 aspect DEs Sem_VrX-Trigger Route - There is no use for semaphore signals - This VrX-Triggeris useful for HV- and KS-Signals DEs Sem_Zs1-Trigger Scenario - this trigger switch the Zs1 aspect on main signals - set this trigger after link 0 from main signal and also after junctions but before every link 1+ - in the left Id-Field from signal-flyout possible write a number like: "0" for all trains who passed signal with Zs1 aspect "1" for the first train who passed signal with Zs1 aspect "2,3" for the second and third train who passed signal with Zs1 aspect DEs Sem_Zs3-Trigger - this trigger possilbe change a speed limit entry for one or all links - set this trigger after link 0 from main signal and also after junctions but before every link 1+ - you can input every value of speed limit like "60" or "120" or "30" - after a comma you can input a link as a number on with the speed limit must be changed - example: "60,2" -> cange speed limit to "60" on link 2 - example: "40" -> cange speed limit to "40" on all link 1+ DEs Sem_Zs8-Trigger - set a Counter Line Indicator for the line - only in combination with a Zs1 ("DEs Sem +Zs1") on main signal possible DEs Sem_TAB-Trigger Scenario - set this trigger before link 0 from main signal - this trigger is useful if you must press the TAB key otherwise to change signal aspect - if trigger is set, no messages displayed if passing TAB trigger and switching signal