Please install this update if you purchased and downloaded this product before the date shown above. This update includes any earlier updates/patches.To obtain the update for this product, please reinstall the software after downloading the updated installer from your Just Trains account, which you can access by going to and logging in. Once logged in please click on Purchase Details.
Please refer to this FAQ for additional guidance on re-downloading your product: Click Here
This update includes the following changes:
Updated for the route:
- Fixed text on destination tables on Suedbahnhof-Heddernheim stations.
- New Quick Drive scenarios (2 per line). Up to 5 AI trains.
Updated for the trains:
- Fixed camera position in cab.
- Improved light in cab.
- Improved train lights.
- Improved control panel light.
- Fixed text on destination tables.
Please install this update if you purchased and downloaded this product before the date shown above. This update includes any earlier updates/patches.To obtain the update for this product, please reinstall the software after downloading the updated installer from your Just Trains account, which you can access by going to and logging in. Once logged in please click on Purchase Details.
Please refer to this FAQ for additional guidance on re-downloading your product: Click Here
This update includes the following changes:
Updated for the route:
- Fixed text on destination tables on Suedbahnhof-Heddernheim stations.
- New Quick Drive scenarios (2 per line). Up to 5 AI trains.
Updated for the trains:
- Fixed camera position in cab.
- Improved light in cab.
- Improved train lights.
- Improved control panel light.
- Fixed text on destination tables.